Recently we face with many members:

  • Did share just a file or some files just for the initial bonus credits.
  • Did request course while it has already exist on the portal.
  • Did self-refer.

Please note that, Download Courses does strictly review the requested/shared content! So, for

  • Share: please share a full package, if you not sure about the content you have. Please do not share!
  • Request: please make sure the course is not exist on portal

Any special comment to community please comment in the content of the package and it will be reviewed and consider.

Soon or late, whenever we found a package or some one download the package and report about the invalid or not full content. Then, the account which shared the package will be banned immediately without any notice and will not accept any concern or explain will be ignored.

Again! Please Do Not TEST/SPAM:

  • Share course
  • Request course
  • Refer your-self

All above actions will lead your account and IP be banned. All actions above are final and get review from Download Courses. Check out terms for more detail.

- Thanks for cooperation